Hi Everyone , I hope you all had a most wonderful Christmas and a restful and relaxing time enjoying time with your love ones!! Whilst my husband was home over the break I got to and started sorting some photo's and came across our wedding proof album. I then thought of one of our lovely ladies that attends many of our classes at Scrap 2 Relax who asked me during last year could I repeat the canvas I taught last year, so........ I came up with a canvas which is totally different to last year, but it is still a canvas. It has many different techniques in which I thought would be new and interesting . I used Glimmer Mist and came up with a marble effect over paint. It looks radiant and elegant perfect for a formal picture, such was our wedding.. Ahhh the memories.. " What a Beautiful Day" Apart from the 39+degree date heat hehehe
This canvas will now be taught in March at Scrap 2 Relax , refer to http://www.scrap2relax.com.au/ for class dates and costs etc. They may not be listed just yet but they will be coming!!!!
I am also half way through another which is a deep purple , so stay tuned and I will pop a photo on here for you to sneak a peak. Until then Happy Papercrafting !!!! Cheers Michellexxx
You've done a great job with this one Michelle and I think I'm going to join in the class and make one for myself.